In the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd, a profound desire to support Black communities emerged. It was in response to this urgency that Beli (Black Executive Leadership Initiative) was created. Their mission is to empower Black individuals to attain executive positions, as currently only 2% of Black professionals occupy seats in the C-Suite. Beli is a mentorship program, assisting Black individuals in reaching the executive level.
The identity of Beli draws inspiration from the concept of sharing knowledge and fostering mutual growth. It aims to visually represent the continuous support offered by the Beli team as they uplift each other while exchanging valuable life experiences.
Made at Tux Creative House
Team on the project
- Strategy - Sarah Patier
- Client Partner - Annie Woang, Charlotte Bergeron
- Copywriting - Marie-Laurence Grenier Trempe
- Motion Design - Lochlan Dolye, David Duchesne
- Photography - Xavier Cyr, Vincent Castonguay
- Graphic production - Rafik Andraos